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Bring Peace to the Middle East
Posted: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 7:07 PM EST - Item ID: 527
Where are the Founding Fathers of the New Middle East? The problem in the Middle East has been going on for centuries. There is no simple fix. No matter how many troops you send there and no matter what attempts you make to establish a western-type democracy it will not lead to any kind of viable solution to a very complex problem. The sooner the leaders of the free world come to this conclusion the sooner we can begin to go down a path that will lead us to a solution. At the end of World War II, the three great powers of the time; the United States , Russia and Great Britain , decided that they would establish countries in that area based on physical boundaries instead of ethnicity. This was a big mistake. You can not force people to live together who have hated each other for centuries. The world should have recognized this and created separate countries based on ethnicity. There should be a Kurdistan for the Kurds. A Sunnistan for the Sunnis, Shi'itstan for the Shi'its and so on. But the most difficult part of this problem was when the country of Israel was created. It was created by displacing the Palestinian people out of their own land that they had lived in for many years. This is the core of the problem. Until the world addresses this - nothing will ever get fixed. Yes, the Israelis should have their own country. So, too, should the Palestinians have their own country. But the problem here is they both want the same land. So if it is a matter of giving everyone their own countries where they can set up their own types of governments and religious belief systems that are best for them – then how do we, as a world people, go about doing this? The issue between the Israelis and the Palestinians is all about who has a legitimate claim to the land. It is also about religious sites within the area that both claim to be their own. And to complicate the matter, these same religious sites are also claimed by religious sects and countries other than the Israelis and Palestinians. All have very convincing arguments for why each should be allowed to claim the land and these religious sites as their own. Once the world allowed Israel to claim the land and prevented the Palestinians from sharing ownership – all the trouble began. There will be no peace in the region until the Israel-Palestinian issue is resolved. My plan to resolve these very complex issues lies in the willingness of the peoples of this region to resolve it and the willingness of the world community to help them resolve it. It is based on compromise and the ability of all the diverse religious peoples to allow each other to worship God as they see fit. As long as that worship does not include the annihilation of any other group because they do not believe as they do. Since it is a matter of ethnicity, religion and land ownership – which are some of the most complex issues that have, throughout history, faced mankind - there is only one viable course of action to resolve this crisis. It will take bold moves on all the countries and religious leaders involved. But it is the only way to do it. We must hold a summit of all the representatives of all the countries and religious leaders that have a stake in this crisis. These representatives must be empowered to make decisions without being seconded-guessed by their governments or religious organizations back home. Each government and religious organization must send a representative to this summit and give them this power. If not, it will be a waste of time to meet at all. It would be similar to our constitutional convention when the United States was first formed. Representatives from each state and territory within the boundaries of our great country were selected and sent to represent their constituents back home. They were given the authority to vote yea or nah on the passing of our constitution and the declaration of independence. It worked for us Why can it not work for them? The countries involved in the Middle Eastern dispute would be Turkey, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, Pakistan, India, The United States, Russian, Great Britain, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria and any other country that borders any one of these or contains ethnic or religious groups that have something to do with this situation. The main goal of this summit is to re-establish the physical boundaries of all of the countries in the conflict area and to establish new nations based on ethnicity and religious beliefs. Each country will have to be prepared to give up some of its land and to give it to these new, emerging countries. For example, Turkey and Iraq will have to be willing to give up part of their land currently occupied by the Kurds so they can create Kurdistan . Most important of all, Israel must be willing to give up some of its land along with other nearby countries so the new country of Palestine can be created. This new country of Palestine must have access to the Mediterranean See. The people in it must be able to worship at the religious sites of their choosing. Also just as important, all the countries involved in this summit must be willing to put under the control of the United Nations the complete responsibility for all the religious sites that are shared between the Muslims and the Jews. This means that such cities as Jerusalem must now be governed and owned by the United Nations – not Israel . The UN will grant access to all the people of the world who want to go there to worship peacefully at their respective religious sites. The UN will provide troops for protecting these sites, the land they sit on and the people who come to visit them. There will be clearly defined paths for transportation to and from and between them. The UN will also provide a government structure for managing these areas. They will become the religious capital of the world. All the nations of the world will share in funding the cost of this new international community. When we are done with this summit, there will be new countries and old countries will now have their borders redefined. Everyone involved in this summit must be willing to compromise. For example, the Muslims and Arabs must be willing to recognize Israel as a sovereign nation and be willing to deal with them as such. The Israelis must be willing to live side-by-side with the new country of Palestine and be willing to share their religious sites with the whole world. Both countries must be willing to redefine their countries borders. They must not cling foolishly to the past based on religious history. And the rest of the world, through the UN, will have to be willing to aid these new and redefined countries on their journey to economic, religious and governmental independence. All the nations involved will have to share all the oil wealth in the region so as to give an incentive for one nation to give up its hold on the oil located on its soil. This, in turn, will make it easier for them to give up land that the oil is contained within or the land that is destined for another country or a newly formed country. An oil co-op will have to be created that is administered by the UN which will see to it that the wealth generated from that oil is fairly and equitably distributed among all the participating countries. And each country must be willing to do business with all the other countries and to keep their borders open for all the people of the area. Isolationism will not be allowed. This summit will go down as one of the most significant events in mankind's evolution as a free and democratic people of the planet Earth. Will it be easy? Of course not Was it easy for our founding fathers to create a new democratic republic? You know the answer to that. But they did and the world has never been the same ever since. This event will also solidify the UN's ability to address the very serious issues facing mankind. It will prove that we can work and live together in harmony no matter what the differences are among our very diverse peoples of the world. The UN will finally be legitimized Are their any other solutions? Absolutely not Don't ever try to fool yourself or others into thinking there are any other solutions. No amount of money, troops or time will resolve this crisis. Only when all the nations involved are willing to sacrifice something so all can benefit will this Middle Eastern fiasco get resolved. There has surely been too many deaths and too much suffering through the ages to prove that. And as incentive for all these nations to participate in this summit, the United States should be willing to pull its support for any nation that is not willing to participate. And that means Israel as well. No more foreign aid or security support for anyone. Let them all destroy each other if they are not willing to do the right thing for all the peoples of the region. And if any of them starts any trouble with another nation near by or with the United States, then we should bomb them back into the Stone Age because that's the age they probably want to live in anyway. The right thing to do is compromise, sacrifice and have the willingness to create new nations where the people within them can live in harmony with their Gods, their governments and their neighbors. History has proven that there is no other way.
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