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Trump Is An Alpha-Male Who Loves America
Posted: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 7:07 PM EST - Item ID: 17
You raise some good points in your article, especially when you refer to his two ex-wives. I hadn't thought about that. I also read the previous article you wrote about Trump, and I thought that it was also well thought out, and you sound like a decent person and you aren't putting me down because I support Trump (I have 3 degrees - B.A., Ed. M., M.A.). When Barack Obama was elected, I cried for the country. We were doomed. I was not a McCain supporter but I voted for him anyway. I have been holding my nose and voting Republican for the past 40 plus years. George H.W. Bush lied to us when he said he wouldn't raise taxes. Bill Clinton lied to us when he said that he didn't have sex with that woman, and in the OVAL OFFICE of all places - that's my House, not his house. Al Gore was the bathtub ring around Bill Clinton and he was smug and sanctimonious at the debates, and so G.W. Bush was a better choice and maybe he would govern as a conservative and be like Reagan. Then everything went to hell. Then we got Obama who governs against the will of the people––I do not think Obama loves America and I think he is trying to destroy this country. Whatever did the Democrats see in Obama? Well, maybe that's what we see in Trump. Maybe he is our version of Obama. Maybe everything you say about Trump is true. But I know that Trump, unlike Obama, loves America. Trump has never lied to me whereas all of the other Republican politicians (like McConnell & Boehner) have. They don't fight for my side. They cave to Obama ahead of time. Nobody fights for my side. Trump fights. Trump wins. I want an Alpha Male who is going to take it to the enemy. I am tired of supporting losers. I used to vote for President based on their positions. Now I am going to vote for President based on emotion. I want a strong man to be president, an Alpha male, somebody who is going to rip the other side a new one. I am tired of losing the fight before we even have a fight. That is why I support Donald Trump. Ted Cruz is my second choice. Never Jeb!
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