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Posted: Saturday, March 12, 2022 at 10:10 AM EST - Item ID: 955
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Ukraine: President Biden Should be ashamed of himself
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President Putin knew that President Biden would not come to the defense of the Ukranian people. He knew that the US presidential 2022 election would be in jeopardy for the Democrat Party if Biden entered into another war shortly after disastrously ending one in Afghanistan. Biden made it quite simple for Putin to invade Ukraine unimpeded by any other foreign government. This was a cowardice thing to do on Biden's part. Abandoning a fellow democratic state to let it fall to Russian aggression for political reasons was wrong on every front. Biden cares more about himself then the Ukranian people. Putin only understands forceful resistance. And his hollow threat of nuclear war was just more saber rattling. He would never risk the total destruction of the Russian state. We should have immediately put boots on the ground and established a no-fly zone above the country the moment the lying Putin said his amassing of troops along the Ukranian border was not for a pending invasion. If we did this, the invasion of a sovereign democratic nation would have never happened. It would not be worth it to Putin, both from a foreign affairs perspective and from a political perspective back home in Russia. Dictators only survive for as long as someone doesn't put a bullet through the back of their heads.
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