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Posted: Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 6:06 AM EST - Item ID: 936
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Rick Santorum Senior Advisor Convention of States Action
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There’s no question about it. Washington is broken. I had the honor of serving in Congress for 16 years, and I’ll be the first to tell you, there are some real patriots there who want what’s best for our country. But the cards are stacked against them. COVID-19 vaccine mandates, irresponsible spending, and an overreaching bureaucracy are all symptoms of the same disease. Until the underlying issues in our federal government are fixed, all the good people in the world won’t heal what ails our country’s system of governance. That’s why I’m such a firm believer in the constitutional solution provided to us in Article V. Only by calling a Convention of States will we be able to check the blatant abuse of power coming out of Washington, D.C. Together we can and will use the Constitution to save the Constitution. Standing, Rick Santorum Senior Advisor Convention of States Action
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