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Posted: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 11:11 AM EST - Item ID: 915
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Israelis vs. The Palestinians
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How long is this going to go on? It could be the downfall of civilization all over the world. It may be the reason for a nuclear holocaust. It's seems to be about two things: Religion and Territory. As long as there are different religions in the world we have no hope of world peace. They are all lies. As long as there are territory disputes we have no hope of world peace. What needs to be said is that to the conqueror goes the spoils. This has been the case throughout history. The Palestinians are lucky they have any land at all. Israel could have kept it all if they wanted to. We can never say for sure who had the land first. And besides, no matter who had it first it is all about who has it now. Consider this: Should the American government give back all the land it stole from the American Indian because they were on it first? The American Indian didn't even have the concept of land ownership. Should the global colonizations by Spain, England and America all be given back to the conquered people that lost those lands to the colonizers? This is just the way it has worked throughout the ages. Palestine is a defeated people. They must once and for all be silenced and be made aware that they lost the war to the Israelis. If not you can expect that one day the missiles will fly your way and they will not be bottle rockets like currently go between Israel and Palestine but instead be massive killing machines.
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