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Posted: Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 7:07 AM EST - Item ID: 913
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The Theory of Bio-Directional Infinity
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This theory of bio-directional infinity is the alternative theory of explaining the origins of the universe in contrast to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and the theological theory of creationism. Since its author is neither a theoretical or physiological scientist nor theologian it has been written in layman’s terms so readers outside the scientific community can better understand the concepts and ideas put forth. The author expects that the scientific and theological communities will find flaws with many of his ideas and will dispute them with more acute scientific and theoretical explanations and will put forth contradictory information either from the other two theories or new information that directly or indirectly proves the author’s summations are either inaccurate or outright wrong. In simple terms, the theory of bio-directional infinity is the understanding and belief that the universe is a biological entity by itself and that most everything contained within it is also biological. The planet Earth is a biological unit and all the plants and animals on it are as well. The solar system, the galaxies, black holes, comets, asteroids and all the physical objects set forth within the universe are biological units. Some of these units may not work like the typical biological unit one might find in a plant or animal but yet somehow as it relates to the universe or as it related to those other objects around it works in a universe-driven biological manner that is sometimes only understood by the universe itself. It also states that the existence of these biological systems have existed for an infinite amount of time and will never cease to exist. It states that there has never been a beginning to these biological systems and there will never be an end either. That the direction of time over which these biological systems have existed goes forwards, backwards, upwards, downwards and sideways in all directions and has done so in an infinite manner. It states also that these biological systems have had no creation period but only evolutionary periods throughout their existence. They always were – and always will be! But while they always will be – they could change into something they have never been through the evolutionary process or processes that either already exist within the universe or could evolve into existence as a result of some external or internal force being applied to them. There was no Big Bang that started it all. There may have been a big bang in some area of the universe but that big bang was the result of an evolutionary process that had its origins in a time long ago. That big bang in some area of the universe would have only directly affected that which was close enough to be impacted by its generation and explosion and would have indirectly affected that which was later impacted by the results of its generation and explosion. In other words, it could have been a ‘regional’ big bang but not an all inclusive universal big bang. There was and is no God that always was and always will be that had all the intelligence necessary to create the universe out of nothing. It would have taken something else to exist that could make that God into what was necessary for that God to create the universe and that something would have had to come from somewhere within the universe. These two prevailing theories of modern times, the big bang and creationism, depend on there being something in existence that can explode (the big bang) and something in existence that can create something from nothing (God). How can something explode that hasn’t been created yet and how can something create that also hasn’t been created yet? Creationist will say that God always was and you just have to except that fact on faith alone and not try to figure it out. The big bangers will say there had to be something to explode to make the universe and you just have to have faith that it was there and we don’t know where it came from or what exactly it was made of and then you must move on. Both require a large amount of faith to believe in. The theory of bio-directional infinity says that since the existence of the universe goes back in time in an infinite manner there is no way to physically find a starting point. Since you cannot physically find its starting point there is no need to contemplate how that starting point occurred. Therefore there are no conflicts and there is no need for a matter of faith. If you are in a lightless cave and cannot find the entrance to the cave there is no need to figure out who or what built the entrance or the cave itself. The problem man has with this is that man knows about caves. He knows that there is an entrance to all the caves on the planet Earth or at least there could be one. So it is fair that he thinks there should be an entrance to the cave he currently finds himself in – the Universe cave. Even if he finds himself in a cave and then an earthquake hits and causes an avalanche that sends rocks and debris cascading down the mountainside and it results in the entrance to the cave being covered up the man still knows that there was once an entrance to the cave and can understand what happened to the entrance. After all – he saw and came through the entrance at some point in time. But our universe is a cave that never had any entrances and has no exits either. It is a cave that is infinite in size. No matter what direction you go within the cave you will never get out simply because there is no ‘out’. Nor’in’, for that matter. There is no up, down, sideways, forward or backwards. And as for how the cave relates to time there is no before, during or after. There is only - always! And now we arrive at the point where you ask, “How could something always exist?” This sounds like the same question one might ask about God or the Big Bang. Some would say that God always existed without needing to give an explanation about how God itself was created in such a pre-existing intellectual state. Some would say that material that exploded in the big bang always existed without ever having been created by something which in turn would have to have been created by something and on and on and on we go. But in this case you really shouldn’t say – just always – because infinity in all directions will not let you get to always. You just keep going and going and going backwards in time and space and never get to a point where you can contemplate the beginning. So why ask? Then you might say, well, if we can’t ask how something could always exist then what you are really doing is asking us to just have faith that everything always existed and is in an ever changing state of evolution even without the big bang theory. The only difference with this faith is your just leaving out the big bang part of the evolution theory. The bio-directional theory neither asks you to just have faith or to contemplate beginnings. It merely says that there is no way to get to the beginning because infinity will not let us get there. If time, space and existence goes forwards, backwards, sideways and every other direction infinitely then how can you ever get to a point where you stop to either have faith or contemplate creation? This new theory just asks you to simply ignore the concept of beginnings and creation and just concentrate on the biological systems that exists within the non-confining cave we call our universe that has no walls, no entrances and no exits and goes on infinitely in all directions. By doing so we shed the shackles that have bound man’s minds and hearts for centuries and has forced men to take sides with one of these existing theories. Taking sides has resulted in conflicts of interest that have resulted in wars, hatreds and man’s inhumanity to man. All in the name of faith and science that has never been proven one way or the other. Take for instance the idea of the first living cell. The entire scientific community currently does not know how the first living cell was ever created. This evolutionary gap between inanimate and animate has never been closed by any scientific studies or experiments. Only the theologians have an answer for this one and that is that God created the first living cell. But I guess that would mean that God was not comprised of living cells since you can’t create the first one if you are made up of them yourself meaning they already exist within you before you create them. If this first living cell gap exists then how can you go backwards from where we are now in the evolutionary chain and get back to the big bang without being able to fill in this gap with the explanation of how the first living cell was created. It is this gap that prevents the connection between the living chain of events with the non-living chain of events that all supposedly started with the big bang. The author admits that the theory of bio-directional infinity can never be proven without first finding the entrance to the cave. We should be more concerned that we have a candle to see our way through the cave and to find ourselves in a part of the cave where we can find peace and happiness for all mankind to share together so that the biological systems within the cave can flourish and prosper while we explore what lies within. That candle is not faith. That candle is not science. It is the love of life itself. Why question it? Look where questioning has brought us - on the precipice of total destruction.
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