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Posted: Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 10:10 AM EST - Item ID: 903
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George Floyd is responsible for his own death
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The question should be asked if George Floyd had allowed the police to peacefully take him into custody would he still be alive today. The answer is a profound YES. He would be processed through the judicial system and either found guilty and sentenced appropriately or found not guilty and set free. But you will never hear the BLM movement talk of such things. What do these movements expect from the police? They are charged with keeping law and order. They have the right given to them by the people they are sworn to protect to subdue suspected criminals and bring them to justice. Did they expect the police, when confronted with a person they are attempting to arrest who is struggling with them to break free, to ask the suspect if he or she would “please” submit to being handcuffed? And if the suspect did break free and started running down the road did they expect the police to shout at them to “please turn yourself in to the nearest police station when you get a chance”? Do they expect the police to be judge and jury, on the spot, for each alleged criminal activity the suspect is accused of committing? No! Their job is to bring them in for processing through the criminal justice system. That's all. Nothing more. But first you have to be able to bring them in. If not peacefully then by any means necessary. The more they resist the more police tactics escalate. Once someone resists arrest they should expect the police to do their jobs. IT doesn’t always end well. More white people are killed during interactions with the police in this country each year then Blacks. You won't hear anything about that from the BLM folks either. For those who talk police brutality this case does not meet that criteria. If the police came up behind Mr. Floyd and hit him in the head with a baseball bat to subdue him before telling him he was under arrest and trying to then handcuff him – that would be police brutality. So don’t be surprised if the results of the courtroom trial come to the same conclusions.
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