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Posted: Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 11:11 AM EST - Item ID: 891
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Trumps' Second Impeachment Acquittal
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Now that Trump has triumphed once again against the corrupt swamp establishment it's time for him to go out and find out as quickly as possible if his base has abandoned him like so many politicians have been saying. He should have a post-impeachment rally to see how many supporters he can get to come out for him. If he gets many then that will send a chill down the backs of the republicans that did not support him during the impeachment and cement his king making abilities for the upcoming 2022 mid-term elections not to mention his ability to run again in 2024 - and win. Then he should start attacking those who abandoned him and support their opponents so he can get loyal supporters elected into congress who will support his MAGA doctrine. The Republican Party needs to understand this as soon as possible and join his movement or face possible extinction from the swamp.
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