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Posted: Saturday, October 31, 2015 at 7:07 PM EST - Item ID: 86
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Sovereignty vanishes in time of need
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It is nice to read people's opinions, sometimes nice and not so nice. The piece about our Shiprock chapter president and Navajo Nation sovereignty was not very nice at all. I think that it is great that there are charitable organizations for people of any race, creed, or color to turn to in time of their need. Anyone can come upon hard times and have to ask for help in some shape or form to make it through the day, the week, or the month. People reach out to charities and ones in charge of those charities help with whatever they can. As for the Navajo Nation government, it does help its people as well, but the assistance comes through a process of application and time. Charitable organizations and churches on the other hand are more immediate, whereas, with the Navajo Nation government is a longer process. Our Shiprock Chapter president, vice president, and secretary are all doing their jobs with requests for assistance according to procedure for the Navajo people. When you have come upon hard times, I don't think you will be asking for a hand-out, but help. So, practice your humanitarianism to all humans. We are all created equal in the sight of God and we will come upon a need at time or another in our lives, regardless of our race or color. Be thankful for your blessings! And I am proud to be a member of the great sovereign Navajo Nation.
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