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Posted: Sunday, December 17, 2017 at 11:11 AM EST - Item ID: 852
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Make America Trumpless
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President Trump is yet another disappointment. As a candidate he promised us all kinds of things that he would do and that he would be the best president this country has ever had. Since being elected he has proven to us to be a promise breaker. He is just like all the other politicians - a lying, thieving weasel. Why does his new tax bill provide huge reductions to the rich and big corporation but not to the lower and middle class that voted for himr I'll tell you why - because the rich and powerful run our political system and they, like the President, don't care about the lower and middle class. What happened to him changing all thatr Remember - draining the swamp. We took a chance on him. We were fooled once again. It's all on us. And now, after seeing and hearing all that has transpired, I can't wait to vote him out of office. That is, if he doesn't get impeached first. What a blessing that would be. Make America Trumpless
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