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Posted: Saturday, October 31, 2015 at 11:11 AM EST - Item ID: 70
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He's an ideological purist
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Look, it's great to go out there and say a lot of wonderful things that get people excited, crowds to cheer and your name in the headlines. But if you don't show an ability to get any of those promises done, they're mostly just empty words. The fact remains that, while Sanders is pushing for a lot of massive changes to how this country functions, almost every major pillar on which he's running stands zero chance at getting through Congress. He would either need to compromise (which would defeat the purpose of the 'Sanders revolution' as many are calling it) or he would have to stick to his guns and probably go down as the least effective president in U.S. history. As I've said many times before, I'd rather elect someone who can give me 70 percent of what I want half the time than someone who will give me almost nothing that I want nearly all the time.
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