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Posted: Saturday, October 31, 2015 at 11:11 AM EST - Item ID: 64
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Let's not pretend sexism has nothing to do with it
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Progressive apathy towards the historical possibilities of a Clinton presidency reflects a tendency to downplay the impact of gender inequality. It is easier, even for progressives, to dismiss sexism precisely because this fight is often more personal, and affects more private actions, than the fight against racism. Phyllis Thompson, a lecturer in Women, Gender and Sexuality at Harvard University, explains: The majority of people live in households with both male and female. The majority of white people live in households with other white people. It's a rare man who can feel that they're blameless, that they have no role in the struggle between the sexes. Most men are deeply, personally implicated. One's own choices are on the line in a very different way than they are with racial issues. It may be uncomfortable for leftwing Sanders supporters to realize that their candidate benefits from sexism. But it would be churlish to insist that the groundswell of mainstream support for Sanders has nothing to do with a reluctance to elect a woman. Let's not kid ourselves: Sexism pervades every area of US politics. Of course, Sanders supporters can be committed to gender equality and simply choose to prioritize his economic agenda. Others, however, look past that choice and simply find it easier to vote for a male nominee. But that's not progressive. That's patriarchy.
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