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Posted: Friday, October 30, 2015 at 11:11 PM EST - Item ID: 56
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Trump Is an Egomaniac
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I think Trump is a "ego-maniac." And on his resume he would like to add the moniker of the man who gave America a shove back toward being number one again. It has nothing to do with liking his personality, his way of doing things or NOT DOING them. Because he is 'crazy impulsive' he has no qualms to step on toes when he is on a roll, and correctness (neither political nor ethical) enters in his objective. So in my opinion, Trump is the only person in the playing field who could chop off heads, feet, or other current government extremities, which get in the way of what "most Americans" see as a path to make America over
for Americans
and "strong again"! An egotist who will not take "no" as an answer...Trump’s objective is to prove what he has said publicly is true.
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