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Posted: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 7:07 PM EST - Item ID: 528
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Drug Tests for Welfare Recipients
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What's good for the goose - is good for the gander Like most people in this country - I have a job. I work hard, get paid and then the government taxes my earnings to pay for the many things that make this country great. One of those things my taxes go toward is the welfare system. This system was designed to help those of us who are less fortunate and who are unable to find suitable work that will allow them to make a good living. But many people in this country take advantage of this system. They are capable of working but choose not to but rather sit on their butts and collect monies from this benevolent program and its many benefactors - the American Citizen. When I applied for my job, as is the norm these days, I was asked to take a drug test. I passed, of course, and was hired. So since I was asked to take a drug test to prove to my prospective employer that I am a good citizen and one not prone to making nonsense out of my life, I believe that the government should ask the same of welfare recipients. The taxes I pay through my drug-free labor should not be distributed to welfare recipients who are on drugs. It just doesn't make sense. Let's eliminate them from the welfare system by making them take a drug test on a regular basis until they decide to do something about their drug problem. Continuing to pay them would only assist them in gaining more drugs for their habit. Not paying them would force them to do something about their problem. And of course, the government should help them with that as well by providing them with free programs to assist them in breaking their bad habits. Just think of how much money and how many lives would be saved by implementing such a rule. I believe this should also apply to alcoholics who are participating in the welfare program. Let them purchase their drugs, beer, wine and whiskey with their own money - not mine Or yours
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