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Posted: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 7:07 PM EST - Item ID: 525
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Lower Federal Taxes
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The Federal Tax burden of the average American is more than most can bare Why are we taxed so much? The answer is simple - our government officials steal from us to give to their rich campaign supporters. Yes - we need our armed services to protect us. Yes - we need a good infrastructure like roads, dams, power plants, etc. to give us a good life. Yes - we need good schools to produce good Americans to lead us into the future. Yes - we need to support our friends and emerging democracies abroad to make the world safer for all. But what we don't need is for our politicians to steal our hard earned dollars to support frivolous projects that only line the pockets of people who helped get them elected. We don't need to pay $25.00 dollars for a $2.00 bolt. We don't need to continue to fund projects that have become obsolete. The people should insist on the cancellation all projects that are no longer needed and to fund only those that promote the general welfare of our country and its' citizens. We need to do a complete review of all the funding laws and eliminate the waste and increase support for those that actually help people live better lives. We should not support any appropriations legislation that includes more than one item. Each funding bill should contain only one item. In this way, we will be instituting the line item veto but in an indirect way. Most funding bills contain many pork barrel projects that are paybacks to the people that supported a particular senator or congressman when he or she was running for election. They are never projects that are good for all the citizens but instead are good for only a few. Let's say that the people of this country have decided that it is time for real health care reform. They want every American, whether working or not, to be insured via some national insurance policy. This policy will guarantee that ever American will get adequate health care for themselves and their families. And suppose that the legislators in Washington decide to embrace this concept and formulate a funding bill to create this new insurance program. Some opportunist congressmen will tack on all sorts of extraneous funding packages to reward their supporters back home. They will think that the President will have to sign the bill into law or risk being maligned by the American people for not passing the National Health Care program that is the main purpose of this new bill. The President should not sign this legislation into law as long as it contains these frivolous attachments. He should use his presidency as a bully pulpit to show to the American people that this legislation has been marred by the thieves in Washington in their attempts to continue to steal from them. He should expose them for the frauds that they are. They will be forced to redo the bill to not include such thievery. In this way, only appropriate funding will take place which will reduce the amount of tax dollars the American people will have to send to Washington. It is a simple approach to stopping the thieves from picking your pockets.
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