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Posted: Sunday, November 08, 2015 at 10:10 PM EST - Item ID: 514
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When we have devolved into a society that willingly stands by and allows more than an average of one mass shooting (at least 4 victims) per day and an average of over one mass shooting in our schools per week, there is something seriously wrong with what passes for our political will and our policy decisions. Those who act in our name and finance their policy choices with our tax dollars clearly value power and profit over the lives of our citizens. The attempted feeble cover of the Second Amendment is cynical and morally bankrupt. Any reasonably sane gun owner or sportsman knows that, not only can some meaningful changes in gun regulations be made, but they must be made. No Founding Father, or mother for that matter, would have stood by to allow this kind of perversion or their intent. If terrorism is the senseless killing of unarmed and innocent civilians, then what do we call this? Does it matter that the perpetrators are Americans, or white, or are fueled by racism or some sense of being wronged? That is exactly what fuels foreign terrorists who we fear so much and spend billions to protect against. With enough guns out there to arm every man, woman and child, have we not created a society more like a war zone that any civil society? What parent does not have a moment of trepidation when they send their child to school? What group that supports this many deaths in this country would we allow to have such an influence on our policy decisions? We would cut their funding, make it illegal to have contact with them and do everything in our power to isolate and destroy them. This cannot stand. We must find a way to stop this madness.
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