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Posted: Sunday, November 08, 2015 at 10:10 PM EST - Item ID: 507
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For the children
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I am the voice silenced by war, by drive-by shootings, by evil intent; the innocent, a child, mer babe, my life taken and robbed of my future by bombs crashing, devastation, distraction in their wake, by turbulent gangs, their shoots scattering helter skelter, by the driver out of control on a road rage in a pistol or by the parent who was to love me bagged, left to rot in a suitcase. I am the world's children A child with our understanding, a child void of hate, void of evil intent; my God, my Creator intended my innocence, birthing happiness. I breathe no more, hold no future, no memories, no aspirations for what could have been a tiny victim, helpless. Death was an angel the pain stopped from the grave must come purpose, an avenger must arise holding accountable those who took the life light from a child's unknowing eyes. Adults, those were taught to respect, battle for supremacy and domination care not for little souls caught in their ideologies, their anger, their evil, wicked souls. Our deaths brought about by wars with many names, wars that rage in the core of their being. They show little or no empathy or compassion for our deaths, our stolen futures oh That we had the ability to rise as children crusaders, hell would pale in comparison to the justice we've been denied, the justice we'd inflict and the peace we'd bring, conforming hardened hearts to the childlike innocence of love. Hate holds this world, greed grips it tighter and tighter - two ingredients destroying life of the children, caught in the crossfires as our God gathers us one by one, looking down with disgust at his creation.
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