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Posted: Sunday, November 08, 2015 at 10:10 PM EST - Item ID: 500
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Crime and Police
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There has been a spike in violent crime in some big cities and now there is talk of police officers' reluctant to make arrests, for fear of retaliation by the media and watchdog groups' intent on finding something wrong. These are people watching every move cops make on cameras and showing only what they want to show, to make the cops look bad. Then there are lawyers looking to sue the cities who also use those same pictures and the ever-present media, which relies on sensationalism to boost their ratings. Some cities pay out hundreds of thousands to make it all go away and are reluctant to defend their own police, because of the cost of the litigation and the sensitivity of the issue. We have a money driven society and people will go to great lengths to win lawsuits and they care little about who they hurt in the process. There is no end to the lawyers who will take the cases. The end result will be more crime, more manipulating the facts and less cops willing to want to get involved. Then less people wanting to get into law enforcement and a shortage of cops. The end result of that will be citizens taking the law into their own hands, shooting first and asking questions later. The end result of that will be anarchy. We need more cameras for the police that will show the whole story. More cities that will back their cops up and get rid of the bad ones. The media needs to quit playing judge and jury and find something more constructive to do. Quit trying people in the court of public opinion instead of the courts of law.
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