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Posted: Friday, October 30, 2015 at 11:11 PM EST - Item ID: 49
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Trump Has Consistently Championed Protectionism
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You asked Trump supporters why we trust that he will keep his word and work for our interests. I find it unlikely that any of the other candidates would work towards my interests, so to an extent there's nothing really to lose. That said, the first reason I'd give for trusting Trump is that he had this same rhetoric toward China and Japan all the way back in the late 1980s. For example, he made an appearance on Oprah Winfrey back on April 25, 1988, where he discussed a full page ad criticizing U.S foreign policy. He discussed the issues with Japanese trade at that time. At the very least, the hallmark of his campaign, trade and foreign policy issues, is something that he has remained consistent on.
Here's a link to the clip.
In addition, his position on immigration has remained largely the same as well.
In Donald Trump's first political book,
The America We Deserve
, Donald Trump writes: America is experiencing serious social and economic difficulty with illegal immigrants who are flooding across our borders. We simply can’t absorb them. It is a scandal when America cannot control its own borders. A liberal policy of immigration may seem to reflect confidence and generosity. But our current laxness toward illegal immigration shows a recklessness and disregard for those who live here legally.
The majority of legal immigrants can often make significant contributions to our society because they have special skills and because they add to our nation’s cultural diversity. They come with the best of intentions. But legal immigrants do not and should not enter easily. It’s a long, costly, draining, and often frustrating experience-by design. I say to legal immigrants: Welcome and good luck. It comes down to this: we must take care of our own people first. Our policy to people born elsewhere should be clear: Enter by the law, or leave."––
The America We Deserve
, by Donald Trump, pages 143-45, Jul 2, 2000. On the two primary issues as to why I'm supporting Mr. Trump he has remained stunningly consistent. Even if he is unable to get Chinese currency manipulation to stop, his support of a tariff and bringing back protectionist trade policies, which turned the U.S into one of the most prosperous nations in the world, would be a welcome reprieve from the Chamber of Commerce cartel politicians
like Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush
who drive American workers out of their jobs, depressing their wages with foreign labor.
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