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Posted: Saturday, November 07, 2015 at 3:03 PM EST - Item ID: 478
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Lawrence Lessig - 2016 Presidential Elections
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Who is he? Lessig is a professor at Harvard Law School, political activist, and occasional Atlantic contributor. Is he running? No. Having announced a run in early September, he dropped out on November 2. Who wanted him to run? Lessig's campaign was designed to cater almost exclusively to the many Americans who are upset about the influence of money in politics. He pitched himself as a "referendum president" who would pass his proposed Citizens Equality Act of 2017, which would enact universal voting registration, campaign-finance limits, and anti-gerrymandering provisions. Could he have won the nomination? No. In dropping out, he cited his inability to break into the Democratic debates, but given his lack of electoral experience, his idiosyncratic platform, and the track record of his Mayday PAC in the 2014 election, he never really had a shot. What else do we know? In a season 6 episode of The West Wing, a fictional Lessig (played by Christopher Lloyd) worked with the White House to write a new constitution for Belarus.
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