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Posted: Saturday, November 07, 2015 at 2:02 PM EST - Item ID: 473
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Ben Carson - 2016 Presidential Elections
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Who is he? A celebrated former head of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins, Carson became a conservative folk hero after a broadside against Obamacare at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast. Is he running? Yes. He announced May 4. Who wants him to run? Grassroots conservatives, who have boosted him up near the top of polls, even as Republican insiders cringe. Carson has an incredibly appealing personal storyâ€a voyage from poverty to pathbreaking neurosurgeryâ€and none of the taint of politics. Can he win the nomination? History weighs heavily against Carson: Not since Dwight Eisenhower has either party nominated anyone without prior elected experience for the presidency. Nonetheless, Carson has quietly shown impressive staying power and is running second or third in national polls. One challenge is that his politics are eclectic unto near incoherence, and he has a tendency to do things like compare ISIS to the Founding Fathers.
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