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Posted: Saturday, November 07, 2015 at 2:02 PM EST - Item ID: 470
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George Pataki - 2016 Presidential Elections
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Who is he? Pataki ousted incumbent Mario Cuomo in 1994 and served three terms as governor of New York. Is he running? Yes. He announced May 28. Who wants him to run? It's not clear. Establishment Northeastern Republicans once held significant sway over the party, but those days have long since passed. Can he win the nomination? No. As my colleague Russell Berman previously noted, Pataki is one of the longest of the long-shot GOP candidates. He has touted his leadership on 911, when he served as governor, but so did former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. He was also a successful conservative governor in a deep-blue Northeastern state, but so was former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. He seems to be socially liberal enough to alienate primary voters, but not enough to capture Democrats.
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