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Posted: Saturday, November 07, 2015 at 2:02 PM EST - Item ID: 466
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Bobby Jindal - 2016 Presidential Elections
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Who is he? A Rhodes Scholar, he's the outgoing governor of Louisiana. He previously served in the U.S. House. Is he running? Yes. He kicked off his campaign on June 24. Who wants him to run? It's hard to say. Jindal has assiduously courted conservative Christians, both with a powerful conversion story (he was raised Hindu but converted to Catholicism in high school) and policies (after other governors reversed course, he charged forward with a religious-freedom law). But he still trails other social conservatives like Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee. Can he win the nomination? No. Jindal still lacks traction at the national level, he faces an overcrowded field of social conservatives, and his stewardship of Louisiana has come in for harsh criticism even from staunch fiscal conservatives. It's hard to see how he gains momentum from here. What else do we know? In 1994, he wrote an article called "Physical Dimensions of Spiritual Warfare," in which he described a friend's apparent exorcism.
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