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Posted: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 7:07 PM EST - Item ID: 4
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Trump Has a Drive for Perfection
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Background: CPA, University of WI. Auditor of federal programs, business owner, father, husband, former vice-chair of county Republicans. CFO and consultant to several mid-sized companies. Christian. I do not expect anyone to vote like I would on every issue. I do not expect that abortion will end, I do not expect that policy will favor me. No one will end all wars. I live in the real world. We conservatives have received nothing but promises from the Republican Party for 35 years. I don't know how many times I have been asked to work hard for a moderate conservative with the promise that "once we get in we will listen to your side. Never happens. Of course, I did not have an extra 100K to donate to them either. I have no expectations of Trump except that he will attempt to make America great again. I expect that he will take his drive for perfection on his properties and actually figure out how to make America better. Will he do it my way? No. Will he hold all my values? No. Will I like all his methods or results? No. He will expect greatness from us, he will tell us how to get to great, he will inspire people to be better than they are and have hope that their efforts will not be thwarted by bigger government. He will not put up with the BS of the world dictators, not because he threatens to nuke them but because they don't know what he might do. He will negotiate and do it from strength. He could take the "black lives matter" group and show them how to make black lives matter. Who else could take a Section 8 housing project and give the people who live there a chance to see it as great and help to transform it into just that? If he invested our money in it, he would expect it to be great. Would it be opulent? No, but it could be a functional place where they could learn to make something great and then translate that to a sustainable living. Who else in the field of candidates has the tenacity to make things great? Who else has made payroll, put up with regulations, paid vendors, made customers happy enough to come back, and then paid 35 percent of his profit to an inefficient, deceptive, self-serving government? I have done tax returns for many, many years. For the "rich" and the poor, the successful and those whose businesses have failed. I have heard many promises from politicians about fixing our tax system, but none of them understand the reality of the pain or the stupidity of our tax laws like I believe Trump does. He uses the current system to pay minimal taxes, just like all my clients do. Good for him. Because of his history, I believe he could/would put H&R Block out of business, and kill my (tax) business too. I look forward to him being successful in that. Are there other candidates in the field I like? Yes. But I think they might try to get along with everyone in Washington. I don't want someone to get along with people in Washington. I want someone who is willing to tell many in Washington "You're Fired.
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