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Posted: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 7:07 PM EST - Item ID: 25
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Bush Was a Disaster and Obama Felt Like One
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Thank you for being curious about what people think, something that the mainstream media has long forgotten about. The problem: you assume to know the reasons why people support Trump––that we believe he will be a more caring and responsible president with a lesser self-interest. Honestly, I don't think there is a single person in the world who believes that about the Donald. Here are the reasons why we like Trump. First, some insight into how many of the people around me feel about the world and its recent history: 1) Bush: we learned that an administration can be careless, brutal, dishonest and deceptive to an extent no one would have thought possible. $10 trillion destroyed, 5000+ Americans killed, the American brand destroyed; torture, lies and terrible people representing America. These people represented the Washington establishment, and created an atmosphere of total distrust in anything established. The poor and underprivileged felt cheated on and totally left behind; the wealthy and educated watched in total disbelief how the layers of civilized discourse and governance where obliterated by incompetence, cronyism and evilness on an epic scale. The world went into shock, losing America as its first and last hope. It was a––watch for it––DISASTER. 2) Obama: I supported Obama the first time, and reluctantly the second time. I think he saved America. BUT. Obama failed big time in overcoming the partisan divide. He put his cronies in charge. Worst of all, he appears weak. Like an intellectual. Intellectuals make simple things complicated, and FAIL in real life. Because while real life may be complicated, you create progress by making it simple. By getting things done. Stop thinking, start doing. Stop considering, make a decision. Yes, go with your gut (unless you are Bush, because your gut sucks). 3) The two parties: So basically, going with your gut failed (Bush) and going with your brain feels like a failure too (Obama). That's because the personnel, especially on the gut side, is just terrible. Absolutely terrible. Cruz? Perry? BUSH? Palin? Romney? McCain? Where do these people come from? How can they happen? On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton might be a good person, maybe even a good president, but she is a terrible politician and so, so bad in talking to us. Just so bad. IT'S ALL SO BAD! 4) The media: CNN has catvideos on their homepage. MSNBC has followed FOX to become a blatant agenda-setting propaganda machine. Their pundits don't serve the viewers, but their own personal agenda. It's political correctness and propaganda all over the place. Listen, I have my beliefs. But I am annoyed at these people, even if they propagate my beliefs, because of the stupid, obnoxious way they do it. Take pro-choice vs. pro-life, and the gay marriage debate. Where do I stand on these topics? I am PRO STARTUPS. We need more entrepreneurs. We need more innovation. More growth. How is that related to pro-choice and gay marriage? IT ISN'T. I DON'T CARE. I AM NOT INTERESTED. STOP TALKING ABOUT IT! We don't care. Gays can now marry, that's fine with me. Abortion has been regulated for decades exactly how it should be regulated. It's fine. It's a non-issue. We have to stop talking about complete nonsense, and start talking about Making America Great Again. Oh, and every time the media tries to put him down, his polls will go up. Because everything Americans can do to show the media they are wrong, they will do at this point. 5) Trump: So here we are. That's why I like Trump. Everytime I see another spineless, dumb, corrupt politician preparing for another failure (representing it all: BUSH), I have to close my laptop. It's so, so unbelievable and gross. Every time I see MSNBC and the NYT stuff their agendas down my throat, I have to throw up. Fox? I don't even go there. Obama? He has failed to make D.C. work. So there is Trump. Someone who finally, finally focuses on important topics. He says the obvious: illegal immigration is a disaster. Obamacare is very bad, but not for the reasons the right claims. Planned Parenthood is important for millions of young women, and defunding it is another GOP scandal. The Democrats suck so much he doesn't even attack them. He says that ISIS can be destroyed by going for their oil and their Saudi backers. Umm... that's the most profound and smart thing I have heard in a long time. He says we get ripped off by the Chinese and Mexican governments. Umm... Yes. He says foreign policy is dealmaking, and he will force Putin, Iran etc. into submission, and they will be happy about it (because it will be a good deal). Umm... yes he is right. Of course, the pundits and academic elites are piling on how he has no idea about economics and foreign policy, and how he is a fraud that dumb people fall for. Guess what? They just called me dumb. Now here is the problem. The arrogance and ignorance––together, the dumbness––of these "elites" at the NYT, economics departments, etc. is the true source of misinterpretation of the Trump movement. We are not dumb. We are investment bankers, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, rocket scientists. And yes, we might also be farmers, but farmers can actually also be quite smart. But guess what. We believe YOU (not you, Conor), are very, very dumb. If you are an established economist, you understand NOTHING about economics, and now everyone knows it. If you are the NYT, you printed fake evidence that led to a corrupt and bankrupting war. We believe you are very, very dumb, and shouldn't say anything, whatsoever. You lost ALL authority over the last 15 years. Most people around me could take on any NYT journalist or professor from whatever fancy school and destroy them––intellectually––on any stage, anytime. We laugh at these people, and we laugh when they are called "elites". They are not elites, they are complete failures. They have a poor understanding of the world we live in, they do not understand economics, they do not understand foreign policy. They respond by saying we are the angry, disenfranchised mob in the South and Midwest. The problem is that we are technology entrepreneurs and finance professionals in New York and Silicon Valley. Many of us probably sit next door to you. And every time you paint this picture, it strengthens our belief that you are so intellectually stuck and close-minded it's not even worth talking to you anymore. If you think Trump, Carl Icahn and Steve Schwarzman are disenfranchised angry people who don't understand economics or foreign policy, something is wrong with you. All this ignorance is also why Bernie Sanders is so popular. And I bet there are more Bernie Sanders supporters who also like Trump than the "experts" think. I am one of them. My second choice would be Bernie Sanders. It is not hard to lead the U.S. The U.S. is an amazing country that has everything we need. All a president has to do is not to be a completely incompetent moron, do a deal here and there, and make sure the most obvious things get done. It is really, really easy. But for some reason, we can't get a candidate through the party system that is not a completely incompetent moron. And no, we don't think Donald Trump is in it to help us. Or anyone else other than himself. But he has his pride. He truly wants to make America Great Again, the same way he wanted to make his company great. He is unlikely to fail as a president, because he doesn't like to lose. It's that simple. And I truly trust him with that. Also, gross cronyism requires a small mind. Someone with the grandesse of a Donald will not do little crony cheats. There are a series of different concerns I have based on his personality, but they all pale in comparison to many past presidents and the current options and I have to stop my rantings now. If you really read through all this, I am very impressed. Thanks for opening up a channel. If you write a piece that explains the Trump phenomenon accurately, you will be famous. Interview a bunch of (diverse) supporters, analyze who they are and why they support him. It will help America.
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