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Posted: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 7:07 PM EST - Item ID: 24
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Trump Is the Lead in a Fabulous Mockumentary
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I don't live in Iowa or New Hampshire but if I did, I'd vote for Trump right now. Don't get me wrong; I don't believe he'd make a good President. Quite the opposite. I'd vote for Trump, the candidate, purely for the comedic value.
Trump is like a train wreck. Not the kind where hundreds of people get hurt. No, Trump's candidacy is like the train wreck in
Green Eggs and Ham
by Dr. Seuss––it just keeps getting more and more absurd as it careens down the mountainside and finally plunges off the cliff. It's funny, even to a 3-year-old. In many ways, Trump is the ultimate comedic actor who never breaks character. We are all watching a mockumentary and I, for one, am not ready for the show to end quite yet.
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