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Posted: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 7:07 PM EST - Item ID: 15
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Trump Is the Picture of American Greatness
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So why Trump? It is not because he is a Republican candidate or because he expresses conservative positions. It is not just because he is a political outsider and speaks his mind with no apologies. I support Trump because he is the picture of American greatness. Donald Trump's grandfather, Friedrich, emigrated to New York City from Germany in 1885 and, from humble beginnings (he worked first as a barber), began working toward the American Dream. Fast-forward 100 years later and Donald Trump is the inheritor of a strong work ethic and the richness that is possible only in a free country. Not only is he the inheritor, but he is the embodiment. Think about the greatness of the American 20th Century. Think about Fred Astaire or Michael Jackson enchanting the world with dance. Think about John F. Kennedy or Ronald Reagan inspiring the world with leadership. Think of Babe Ruth, Martin Luther King Jr., Fred Rogers. The American 20th Century was a great one. Now think about the American headlines of today. What do you think of? War? Poverty? Political division? What are celebrities like today? Do we see greatness in America still on a daily basis or even in the movies? The Trump Family is the picture of the American Dream, and I believe Donald Trump is an honest man. When Donald Trump says that he wants to make America great again, I believe him. He has written books for all to read but that is not enough. He wants to lead. Granted, Donald Trump cannot promise greatness among us as a society or a country. However, he can promise to be a leader for greatness, and he is fitted to do so. Trump's foreign and domestic political positions are important and they matter. I am an independent voter and look forward to hearing more about his intentions as the political season rolls along. However, am I sold on his leadership? Yes, I am. Do I believe his courage? Yes, I do. I am relieved that he is not the traditional politician and is not speaking on behalf of his donors. The political system is broken and we need a true outsider to change the way things work. Yes, I know about those pictures with Hillary Clinton. Trump has always been a businessman first and has maintained an abundance of relations. This is a man with a huge network. Trump is not the caricature that pundits would have you believe. Trump did not build his economic empire just with luck. As a Trump supporter, if I could ask anything from the American people, it would be respect. Please have respect for the family and fortune of this man. This is not just a man, this is the American Dream.
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