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Posted: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 7:07 PM EST - Item ID: 12
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Trump Is a Gamble Worth Taking
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Voters are used to being disappointed, accustomed to accepting partial truths from politicians, and conditioned to expect little progress from the individual that holds the office of President. The only desires left in American voters is renewed excitement, passion and hope. If a candidate can offer a glimpse of those desires, they win the support. My narrow support of Trump is simple. I am of the belief that he is conceited and arrogant enough to avoid failing in front of the world at all cost. His failings in the private sector are widely known but largely overlooked, as the financial and social failings of other candidates are as well. He is so passionately despised that the watchdogs will be working overtime on all fronts to expose even the smallest of infractions. Given his new stand against bailouts, payoffs, and favors, career politicians will jump at the opportunity to prove he is no better at conducting business in Washington than all who served before him. Asking myself, "why not?", "what's the worst that can happen?" and realizing that Trump is as likely to utterly ruin this country as he is to become the knight in shining armor is enough for me. Policy changes can be difficult to pull off (especially if Congress has a majority leaning in the opposite direction) and collectively make little lasting difference in the day to day lives of the average household. Gone are the days of Roosevelt and Reagan where real difference lasts for generations. If Trump fails to keep his word, he is yet another politician exploiting the office while benefiting himself, his partners, and his friends. Every choice, every vote and every dollar spent in support is a gamble. If by some unlikely chance Trump is able to follow through with any of his promises to the People, it was worth the gamble.
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